Uist Gifts and Info is a friendly Information centre for visitors to the islands. …
15th April 1923, the SS Marloch left Lochboisdale with 500 islanders from Benbecula,…
Photograph © David Wilson
In the book, The Lewis Man, two teenage brothers, Johnny,…
6th September 1746 . Two French ships anchor in Lochboisdale. Two hundred troops come…
The Listening Place Scuplture, forms part of the Uist sculpture Trail
20th June 1746. News arrives that the notorious Capt Scott has landed on Barra and is on…
15th June 1746 The Prince and his small band of supporters continue on their way south to…
A good area to see this species during the spring and summer.
Cnoc Soilleir is an exciting new development for Gaelic culture in the heart of South…
Designed in 1965 by architect Richard McCarron, this Catholic church has been described…
The Common Twayblade is an orchid which can be found around Loch Thallan.
A well-preserved aisled wheelhouse was excavated in 1952 in the machair at Kilpheder…
Along the west coast of UIst lies around 20 miles of stunning white beaches.
This rather slim, sparrow-like bird can be found in the reed bed or in small flocks…
This rather fat looking, sparrow-like bird is found in the area around the cemetery or to…