We are an industry-led community interest membership organisation, comprising of around 400 local businesses and community groups. Our broad membership base makes us the voice of tourism in the Outer Hebrides.
We represent all sectors of tourism and operate throughout the Outer Hebrides running from Barra to the Butt of Lewis. Founded in 2005, when regional “Tourism Boards” ceased to exist, we are directed by a voluntary executive board drawn from the local industry and we have 4 members of staff in our delivery team.
We operate through two separate Community Interest Companies (CICs), which means we are focused on the economic and social development of the islands, rather than earning a profit for shareholders.
Outer Hebrides Tourism is the official Destination Management Organisation for the Outer Hebrides. We represent the islands on the Scottish Tourism Alliance, the national tourism industry organisation in Scotland. Although we work closely with VisitScotland and the local authority, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, we are independent of both.
We have delivered over a decade’s worth of constant growth driven by more prominent promotion and development and our aims are ambitious going forward. Our Sealladh/Outlook 2030 strategy plans are in place to positively enhance the benefits of tourism across the Outer Hebrides by delivering an outstanding experience for our visitors, and the very best for our businesses, our people, our communities, and our environment. We aspire to a sustainable visitor economy that supports, not damages, these shared values.
We have a reputation for reliability and a strong track record of results, which unlocks significant grants and partnership funding. We aim to triple every pound we receive in membership fees through funding from our partners at a local and national level.
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"We aim to triple every pound we receive in membership fees through funding from our partners at a local and national level."
© Outer Hebrides Tourism (Trading) 2025. Registered in Scotland SC501113. All Rights Reserved