This walk has been written by a regular visitor to these islands, Martin Margulies. The articles first appeared in Am Paipear, and extracts are reproduced here with his permission. In 2011, the walks were collected together in a book, called Mhor and More.Start at the Mingarry footpath. When the path peters out near Loch nan Caorach, keep walking east to the Thornaraigh River and follow its southern bank until Stulaval looms ahead. One warning: in November, the short patch of ground between the path and the river is the wettest I’ve seen on South Uist. That’s wet.
When you come to Loch Snigiscleit, pause to savour its attractions, for it is surpassingly beautiful. And the views from Stulaval’s summit are superb. But keep a wary eye on the clouds.
Image - Copyright Richard Webb
Map & Directions
- Start at the Mingarry footpath.
- When the path peters out near Loch nan Caorach, keep walking east to the Thornaraigh River and follow its southern bank until Stulaval looms ahead
- Keep following the south shore of Thonaraigh River
- When you come to Loch Snigiscleit, pause to savour its attractions, for it is surpassingly beautiful. And the views from Stulaval’s summit are superb. But keep a wary eye on the clouds.
- Summit of Stulaval