The North Harris hills host the highest peaks in the archipelago with the highest, An Clisham, the islands only Corbet, reaching 799m.
The North Harris hills hold an exceptional density of golden eagles and over half of the area has been designated as a Special Protection Area for the species. On South Harris the hills take on a different character of a ‘knock and lochan’ landscape with small heathery ridges interspersed with numerous small lochs. The view across the west coast of South Harris is dominated by long white sand beaches and areas of flower rich machair grassland. Northon at the south western tip of Harris holds the most extensive areas of Machair. The main settlements are the two ferry ports at Tarbert and Leverburgh.
The North Harris Eagle Observatory and Bogha Glas are the two trail locations in Harris. Both are located in the spectacular locations in the North Harris hills and are excellent areas for watching golden eagles.